15 days and 7 hours until BBQ Expo!

Mezze maniche pasta with beef ribs sauce by La Marblet
March 29th
from 13:00 to 14:00
Beef ribs, also known as “biancostato di reale,” are a premium cut of meat taken from the front part of the animal, specifically from the intercostal muscles. This cut is highly popular in American barbecue, especially in Texas and the Southern States, where it’s considered a true BBQ delicacy.
Thanks to the rich marbling of fat between the muscle fibers, beef ribs are incredibly tender, juicy, and full of flavor.
I prepare a delicious sauce with these ribs, paired with mezze maniche pasta and a sprinkle of grated cheese!
For the lucky ones, there will be a tasting opportunity!
Chef Andrea Mainardi
Event target: beginners and enthusiasts